Bleddyn Williams

Bleddyn Williams loves a challenge and having worked in the digital environment since the 90s, there has never been a shortage of challenges over the years.

He is now Head of Engineering within a major UK retailer, reaching millions of customers online and in-store each week, where he constantly strives to improve their digital experience. His focus has always been on building a close partnership with clients to create quality solutions. If you’re quick enough, you can spot him around London on his Brompton bicycle.

Digital Leadership Lessons From Bleddyn Williams

Clarity can make or break the success of a business. You need clarity of vision and strategy, and that message needs to be communicated to everyone within the company.

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Being a digital leader is not just a practice; it’s personal. You put your heart and soul into it. This guide presents decades of hard-earned experience in how to wrangle DX in a large organization — and make it move fast.

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