Todo sobre DXP componible

Hemos recopilado todos nuestros recursos de DXP para ti. Descubre cómo desarrollar tu DXP y aprende a partir de la experiencia de otros cómo componer una DXP totalmente personalizada para tus necesidades.

You already have a DXP! Even if you don’t think you have a DXP, you still do. All of the many tools you use in combination to launch digital experiences are your Digital Experience Platform.

With our DXP benchmark tool, you’ll get a personalized report to see your DXP Maturity level, get recommendations and see how you compare with others.

DXP Documentos técnicos y resúmenes de productos

Seeing is Believing

We hope this collection of DXP resources helps you learn more about building your own composable DXP. If you see value in the composability of our Headless DXP approach, we'd love to show you why to consider Magnolia as your DXP vendor of choice. To learn more, book your demo today.

Book a Demo now
Straight-talking DXP_background